Feb 11, 2020
We are celebrating 5 years of podcasting! Thank you all for being part of the journey. In this episode, we chat about the Rise of the Resistance ride at Disneyland, and give our reviews of The Gentlemen and Birds of Prey.
More notes on this episode can be found at https://thenerdlys.com/2020/02/11/episode-164-excitement-or-panic-attack
Let us know if you have any questions or feedback by messaging us on Facebook or emailing us at contact@thenerdlys.com
If you would like to support our podcast and help with our costs please consider donating during our Twitch streams or via Ko-Fi. Rachel also has a Patreon for her modeling/cosplay if you'd like to join!
We’d really appreciate if you leave feedback for our little show on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher also. Thanks!